
Are we humans or are we ninjas

 -DNA -
surpassing human limitations

.chaos synthesis.

"We watch an ant make its laborius way across a wind- wave-molded beach. He moves ahead, angles to the right to ease his climb up a steep dunelet, detours around a pebble, and stops for moment to exchange information with a compatriot." (Simon, Herbert 1969)

Herbert A. Simon tried to sketch the ant's path of movement on a piece of paper and came up with a sequence of somewhat irregular and and curved illustration. Herbert then realised that the ant's path wasn't really random for it has a sense of direction towards a goal. According to Herbert Simon's analysis, the ant has a general sense of where its goal lies. Though the ant does not have the ability to forsee future obstacles along the way, then it must adopt its course depending on the obstacles that lies ahead and achieve its goal.

The ant's path may seem irregular and complex but the complexity is not within the ant itself but the complexity of the beach that the ant is treading.

So how different would a regular human act from what the ant is doing..?

- EOF -

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